What were you doing at this time last Memorial Day? As I think about it, I don't remember the specifics. But, I do remember having the freedom to enjoy it without fear. Every year we celebrate by getting together with family and friends to enjoy the day and eat lots of delicious food -- all under one roof. Now it's 2020; what a difference one year can make. Men and women make the ultimate sacrifice for the people of these United States so that we may enjoy our inalienable rights and freedom.
This year, our Armed Forces and civilians are fighting a new war, an invisible enemy without a face. Its mission is to kill and destroy as it lurks silently, waiting to infect its next victim. The battle rages and will require a united front to eradicate the deadly enemy we call Corona.
On this Memorial Day, we honor the fallen soldiers. We will also never forget the thousands of civilian heroes and sheroes who lost their lives in this new war here at home.
Want to create lasting memories that can inspire and benefit others? Write a book! The power of remembrance lives forever in a book.
Happy Memorial Day!
INSIGHT: It doesn't require 300 pages to write a book. You can make it a sprint or a marathon. The choice is yours.
Click here to schedule a free 30-minute virtual coffee, and let's chat about your book ideas and how to Get Your Mind "Write" to get it done.