Can you use some extra cash? Want to do something that will maintain itself and won’t require all your extra time once it’s up and running? Are you a coach, speaker, teacher, corporate exec., aspiring business owner, or someone who just want to explore your options to generate income 24/7 -- whether you are present or not? So glad you’re looking to invest in yourself with this popular way to generate income online. In this planner, you’ll get to brainstorm whatever idea you have in mind. Get this 4-page downloadable PDF and be guided through an activity that will help you develop a clearer understanding of how to turn your idea into passive income online course. And, as a bonus, I’ve included “8 Steps to Quickly and Affordably Record and Launch Your Course.” Follow the step-by-step list and learn how to quickly create an online course. It's a great way to get things started - Fast.