I have a dream that you and many others will be able to dream bigger and take action like never before. You will dream with clarity, less fear, and rise above your circumstances.
What are you dreaming up for 2018?
I have a dream that working together we will equip more women, men, and youth to recognize their fears and overcome them with intention.
What are you dreaming up for 2018?
I have a dream that we are the tools to help serve, care, and educate the masses – you and I will rise to the occasion to serve in ways that we’ve not imagined before.
What are you dreaming up for 2018?
I have a dream of passion and compassion to work in a bigger and more impactful way than previous years to inspire others through speaking, training, and coaching that empowers individuals and groups to thrive. We, you and I, will work collaboratively to help others become all that they can be -- to know that joy, prosperity, and fulfillment are all possible.
What are you dreaming up for 2018?
I have a dream to add value and transform lives -- to inspire women and girls to be courageous and know they are worthy of living happy and fulfilled lives.
What are you dreaming up for 2018?
I have a dream that I will help women and girls learn to trust themselves and have faith in something they cannot see but resonates inside them.
What are you dreaming up for 2018?
I have a dream that this journey that we travel is full of golden opportunities. There are nuggets of gold all around us waiting to be picked up. 2018 is the year of golden opportunities. It will enrich, inspire, and empower all who see the vision, embrace it, and execute it.
What are you dreaming up for 2018?
I have a dream that my path and yours are springboards to something greater. My dream for 2018 is to live my passion and passionately live.
What are you dreaming up for 2018?
Let's continue the conversation. I'd love to hear your feedback. Please comment below.
- Do you have a big dream for 2018? Yes or No?
- If yes, please share one thing you're dreaming up for 2018?
“Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.”
— Les Brown
Start Dreaming. Dream Bigger. "Live Your Dreams Awake" in 2018!
Peruse my website for tools, courses, and other speaking and training solutions. Subscribe to my blog in 2018 and be inspired to take action in your career, business, and life.
Happy New Year! Please like, share, or comment below.
Pat B. Freeman
Empowerment Coach & Vision-Building Expert
Helping turn your Inspiration-to-Action, and your Passion-to-Profits!